About El Faro de Redención
Led by Danny Rojas, El Faro de Redención—in English, Redemption Lighthouse—is a daily broadcast reaching the largest island in the Caribbean and beyond. Our team in the United States and Cuba is committed to sharing programs centered on Christ’s redeeming work. Through the podcast and stations outside of Cuba, El Faro de Redención is also a space for sharing the voice of Cuban Christians with listeners around the world.
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El Faro de Redención is a Spanish-language addition to the All About Jesus mission of Haven Ministries. After several trips to Cuba and a call to action resulting in nearly 200,000 Bibles sent to the island by HAVEN Today listeners, former President and host Charles Morris began to dream of reaching all of Cuba on air with the great story about Jesus. Through a partnership with Trans World Radio Bonaire, that dream has become a reality.
For more than 85 years, Haven Ministries has engaged and encouraged unbelievers and believers alike to behold and follow Jesus Christ through radio, print, and online resources that tell the Great Story that’s all about Jesus. HAVEN Today airs on over 600 stations reaching more than 2 million weekly listeners. Many thousands more subscribe to Haven’s monthly Anchor Devotional, and receive daily encouragement through Haven’s website and social media profiles.
To shine the light of Christ from all of Scripture for all of Cuba and to share the voice of Cuban Christians with listeners around the world.